Tanya founded the Up Academy, a primary school focusing on children’s needs rather than curriculum requirements. The Up Academy incorporates movement and play into classroom time, and in breaks from their work students can play on a large monkey bar structure or sit on a bouncy chair using headphones when they need to. The day is organised to allow for movement and time to recharge. Days start with games in a community circle, allowing children to express their needs and emotions. Throughout the day, students also have some down time to reconnect and recharge.

Listen to Tanya

“How can we create a methodology and a school environment that’s going to be the best possible place for our students to be, and for them to learn and grow and thrive?”

Tanya Sheckley

Tanya Sheckley

Tanya Sheckley is an educational leader, founder of the Up Academy and host of the Rebel Educator podcast. Her background spans non-profit, for-profit and corporate settings. She is passionate to support leaders to become their best to create innovative solutions to education’s biggest problems. She consults with schools around the world to bring project-based learning to diverse student populations.

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