Patrycja helps students develop creative math projects that her female students particularly enjoy. Her teaching practice is driven by her core values, honesty and authenticity. Polish women have played a crucial role in science historically so Patrycja thinks that these role models help girls aspire to science subjects and careers. Patrycja knows Poland must be an exception as this is not the norm around the world. She calls herself a STEAM teacher and a STEAM mother as she also helps organise STEAM events in her own children’s schools.
Listen to Patrycja
“My teaching methods are built on authenticity and honesty.”
Patrycja Janekankit
Patrycja Janekankit
Patrycja Janekankit is a former financial analyst who became a math teacher in a public school near Warsaw, following her passion for education and social impact. She currently teaches secondary school students while also advocating for STEAM education and city planning in other schools in her community. She is the Teach For Poland partnership manager.