Through first-hand global connections, Terry’s students in Canada learned the impact of Canadian mining on Costa Rican communities. Terry is the director of the Center for Global Education in Canada, spearheading the Decarbonize Decolonize project. He helps students connect globally to address climate change through collaborative learning and action. The project now involves schools from over 50 countries, fostering diverse climate actions from local gardening to legislative changes. The students’ collective efforts are captured in a Global Youth Manifesto, presented at international climate conferences.
Listen to Terry
“Each of these countries engages thousands of young people and in the end, the manifesto represents the actions and the sentiments of tens of thousands of people, from young people from all around the world.”
Terry Godwaldt
Terry Godwaldt
Terry Godwaldt is the founder and director of the Centre for Global Education, in Canada, dedicated to making global education a core part of every classroom. With over 15 years of teaching experience across Canada and Europe, he works with hundreds of teachers annually, integrating authentic, project-based, and globally-minded learning. Passionate about student engagement, Terry believes in connecting curriculum to real-world challenges. His work has impacted thousands of students globally, earning him recognition with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Award and the ASCD Award for Innovative Teaching.