Teachers’ Voices Season 2 Episode 12

What is the role of nature in children’s learning and development? How are schools around the world connecting children to nature?

In this episode, Nina talks to Luis Alberto Camargo, a social entrepreneur who specialises in nature-based education. Luis tells Nina about the scientific research exploring the role of nature in children’s wellbeing. Nina also speaks to Joaquin Leguia, the founder of an approach that promotes healthy relationships between children and the earth. 

Nina also meets Jeff Barrett, an outdoor adventurer and the founder of a school in the Canadian forests, and Sal Gordon, the principal of a school in the jungles of Bali that aims to make the world sustainable.

Guests and resources

Luis Alberto Camargo
Education for Regeneration – Why EE Is Natural for Personal Growth and Understanding
Education for Regeneration – A Nature-Based Approach
Leading Change Beyond Sustainability
IUCN #NatureForAll
Children & Nature Network Resources
Global Lessons on Greening School Grounds & Outdoor Learning
OpEPA – Bringing Nature into Learning on HundrEd

Joaquin Leguia
AniaInstagram, Facebook
Children’s Land (TiNi)TiNi on UNESCO en español YouTube

Jeff Barrett
Blue Mountain Wild SchoolResearch, Facebook, Instagram

Sal Gordon
Green SchoolInstagram, Facebook

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