Koen shares an example of fostering student agency. In a Belgian school, a student’s interest in apes led to a comprehensive group project about history lasting months. The project evolved from initial discussions to creating a shadow play, driven entirely by student interests. Koen facilitated this process by guiding students through research and writing while letting them take the lead. This approach not only achieved the educational goals but also strengthened the classroom community. The experience deeply affected Koen, reinforcing his belief in the power of student-led learning and bringing him joy and fulfilment.

Listen to Koen

“The satisfaction of seeing how the kids collaborated and seeing how proud they were when they realized what they had achieved, it’s a very rewarding moment for a teacher to experience something like that.”

Koen Verrecht

Koen Verrecht

Koen Verrecht is a passionate primary school teacher and adventurer with a deep love for nature and social impact. After teaching in the Honduran jungle, he became dedicated to education beyond traditional academics, volunteering extensively with Mobile School. He also worked in Vietnam coordinating education projects for VVOB. Now he works with a global network focused on addressing climate change’s impact on education. Koen is known for his adventurous spirit, hands-on approach, and commitment to making a positive difference in the world.

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