Nora believes that amplifying teachers’ voices is important and their insights need to be heard, especially when the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the crucial role teachers play in student learning. Nora underscores that this podcast connects teachers’ experiences with educational research, offering a powerful blend of classroom realities and evidence-based practices. It bridges the gap between teaching professionals and researchers to enhance understanding and improve educational outcomes.

Listen to Nora

“This podcast brings together teachers’ voices in a short, but really powerful manner. And it complements their stories with existing research and evidence of what is already working. This provides a bridge between the teaching community on the one hand and those researchers who are seeking to better understand how we can help children learn and develop.”

Nora Marketos

Nora Marketos

Nora Marketos is a highly skilled senior strategist with extensive experience in education, EdTech, AI, migration, and refugees. She was Co-Lead of the Jacobs Foundation’s Learning Schools portfolio for several years. Nora is known for her strategic communication, global networking, and analytical thinking. Nora also focuses on driving investments and measuring the impact of quality education and migration programs.

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