Chin Reyes

Associate Research Scientist at Yale University’s Child Study Center

Chin R. Reyes, PhD is an Associate Research Scientist at the Zigler Center in Child Development & Social Policy unit. Her expertise is built around the use of developmental science to inform practice, programming, and social policy.

Reyes leads international and national projects focusing on improving equitable access to high quality educational experiences for young children. Her interests lie in the integration and methodical assessment of both the built and social early learning environments—and assessing their applications to improving the quality of early care and education programming. Together with Walter Gilliam, she is co-developer of the CHILD (Climate of Healthy Interactions for Learning & Development), a classroom observation tool assessing the social-emotional climate of learning. With colleagues at Harvard, Yale, and Aga Khan University, Reyes is co-developer of LEAPS, a cost-effective, youth-led early childhood program targeting high-risk, low-resource settings.

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